Basement Drywall Finishing

With basements, we are going to have some concerns that may be accentuated for these areas. In the sense that, we may be more worried about the presence of moisture and mold in basements. Also, we may be looking to create thicker walls that could potentially create a cozier environment. Especially around here, basements can get extremely cold. You may want to protect some of the equipment that you have down there. A good way to do that is to build a thicker wall with more protection. Of course, these are all ideas that we can throw out there. At the end of the day, each situation is going to be completely unique.
Setting Up Drywall In A Basement
For the most part, we are going to prefer being able to oversee the entire process of setting up drywall in a basement. This is going to allow us to pinpoint some of the areas where we could see potential issues forming. There are different techniques that we could use for waterproofing as well. What we don’t want to do is add insulation material like crazy and call that proper safeguarding of the area. We are confident though, that we are going to be able to provide a proper set up to make sure the walls are “safe”.
Working On Existing Basement Drywall
When people give us a call and ask us to help on existing basement drywall, most of the time it’s because they are already experiencing some problems. We don’t want to be too trigger happy in the sense that we are always going to suggest tearing down the walls and starting over. If we see excessive mold presence and moisture spots all over the place though, it just might be what we’ll end up recommending. You can be sure though, that if we are making a recommendation it’s because we have your best interests in mind.
What Are Some Of The Things To Watch Out For In Basement Drywall
There are some things that are common signs of trouble that you should not be ignoring. Moisture spots are mold and mildew are some of the easy to spot signs of trouble. Even before these become apparent though if you can perceive a particular smell that denotes excessive moisture in the area it can be a good idea to get the area checked out. With this type of drywall setups, we want to be extra safe.
Waterproofing, Mold Removal
One of the questions that we get about these areas is whether you should have mold removed or bring another company in to provide a thorough waterproofing service. Whether or not we would recommend that you have one of these services provided before we hang your drywall will entirely depend on the current state of the area. We’ve worked in certain basement areas that were a total mess and we needed all of the help that we could get. In some other areas, we’ve been able to get right to work, without too much trouble.