Sheetrock Installation

If you’ve been doing some research on the subject of walls you may have found sheetrock and drywall as terms that were used to mean pretty much the same thing. Sheetrock is actually a commercial name for a brand name drywall sheet. For a lot of folks, it has just stuck. This is what happened with kleenex. Where people can ask for a kleenex which is a brand name product to refer to a tissue paper. Since we got that clarification out of the way we want to take this opportunity to talk about the brand name products that we can use in our services.
Should I Be Looking To Buy Brand Name Products?
For us, brand name products are not as important as quality products. We can safely say that we’ve seen great performance out of products that we didn’t even know the brand when we first installed them. We’ve also seen brand name products that were super cheap and gave off terrible performance. That being said, if you are looking for drywall from a particular brand you can be sure that we can get it for you. You won’t have to search for it online or at a home improvement store. We can get products directly from the manufacturer.
Have You Given A Thought To How Thick Of A Wall You Want To Install?
This is something that many people have not considered. At least not before giving us a call. The most common sheets of drywall that we use for homes and buildings in this area are most likely going to be thicker than the national average. Thickness though is not the only factor that is going to play a role in keeping heat inside the house. Which is mainly what we are going to want to do in Racine.
Can I Get Good Products That Are Maybe Not Brand Name But Provide A Quality Finish?
We’ve talked about this a little bit. We get a lot of potential clients that have a set budget very much in mind. One of the ways to lower your costs is to use products that are maybe not brand names. If you want to explore some of these options to help you stay on budget be sure to give us a call. As we mentioned, we’ve worked with products from all brands. Also, there is a chance that we could get you a good deal on decent products directly from the manufacturer.
The Actual Installation
Not every single shamrock installation or drywall installation procedure is going to be exactly the same. We talked about this in our commercial drywall page. We are going to be able to adapt our methods to the existing framework. If you work with us you can expect high-quality results across the board. That’s exactly what we are looking to provide for you. Give us a call to explore some of the options that we may have for you. Before you know it, you could be looking at brand new walls.