Popcorn Ceiling Removal

If you are sitting in a home and you look up to find that you have popcorn ceiling should you be worried? Was your home built 10 or even 20 years ago? If so you are pretty safe. Asbestos has not been widely used in homes since the ’80s. They were mostly used in the ’60s and ’70s. If you have a home that was built in that era there is a chance that you could still have some type of asbestos in your home. If you have a newer home that could just be a design for your ceiling that you don’t like and we can go ahead and remove it.
Asbestos Testing
There are certainly plenty of older homes still in use in this area. Although we don’t want you to panic over the possible presence of asbestos the best thing that we could do is provide a test on the property. As a word of advice, don’t even bother with some of the test kits that are out there. The results can be misleading and you would actually be putting yourself at risk in order to look for more viable results. Just give us a call and we can help you out with proper testing.
The Removal Process
The removal process when we are dealing with an area without asbestos can go down pretty much as simple as you would expect it to. What we are going to want to do is scrape off the bumps and the overall ceiling texture to then be sure to smoothen everything out. If you are looking for a new design in your ceilings we can achieve this through a wide variety of texturing procedures. These can be things as simple as taking a textured roller and repainting the area.
Do I Need To Leave The House When This Procedure Is Being Done?
Whether or not we would recommend that you vacate a room when we are getting this type of thing done depends on if we are dealing with asbestos. If we are dealing with asbestos we have to be extra careful with the removal process. If that’s the case then we would advise that you leave the home for a set amount of time. Since this is usually not the case we won’t be asking you to leave your home in most of these situations.
Are There Any Other Parts of The House That I Should Be Concerned About?
Could we find that your home was originally built with harmful materials even if you don’t have popcorn ceiling? That's certainly something that is entirely possible yet, it’s thankfully not all that likely. If you want to play it safe you can give us a call and we can literally test your entire home. If you buy a home and you want us to repair or replace drywall or other surfaces just give us a call. As we mentioned you really shouldn’t be too scared. Sometimes it’s better to be safe.